Mesmerizing Food

Connect live with homecooks to learn traditional recipes from different countries the flavors of different cultures and cuisines
Connect live with home cooks to learn traditional recipes from different countries the flavors of different cultures and cuisines

Satisfy Your Culinary Curiosity

Introducing Recipe on Call

Are you a passionate foodie or an enthusiastic learner with a burning desire to connect with homemakers and professional chefs from diverse cuisines and culinary traditions? Look no further than Mesmerizing Food – your gateway to an extraordinary culinary adventure.

In the vast world of cuisine, there are thousands of delectable dishes waiting to be explored. Yet, in our lifetime, we can only savor a fraction of them. Recipe on Call is here to change that. We're dedicated to helping you prepare dishes from every corner of the world, right in the comfort of your own kitchen.

Our expert guides will not only show you how to cook but also explain the significance of each ingredient and the techniques needed to perfect the dish. It's more than just cooking; it's a culinary education.

Our Unique Features

At Mesmerizing Food, we’ve tailored our platform to elevate your culinary skills. Here’s what sets us apart:

Dedicated Instructor

Your culinary journey begins with a dedicated instructor who will guide you every step of the way, ensuring you master the art of cooking.

Learn Cuisine-By-Cuisine

Delve into the world of flavors as you polish your knowledge by exploring each cuisine one-by-one with us, uncovering the secrets of diverse culinary traditions.

Multiple Languages

 Choose a language that suits your convenience, making the learning process more accessible and engaging for you.

Cook New Dish Everyday

Embrace the joy of cooking by selecting a new dish from any cuisine every day. Our expert guidance ensures your culinary experiments are a success.

Heritage Cooking

Delve into the traditions and heritage of different cuisines, allowing homemakers to pass down cherished family recipes and professional chefs to explore culinary roots from around the world.

Seasonal and Holiday Specials

Explore seasonal and holiday-themed recipes to impress your family and friends with delicious, themed dishes for various occasions throughout the year.

How it works?

Downloading the App is the first step you must take


Find Your Culinary Expert:

- Open the Mesmerizing Food app and navigate to the search feature.

- Enter the dish name, cuisine name, or any specific criteria you're looking for in a tutor.

- Browse through the profiles of our skilled chefs, homemakers, and tutors who match your preferences.


Schedule Your Appointment:

- Once you've found the perfect culinary guide, select their profile.

- Choose a convenient date and time for your cooking session.

- Send your appointment request to the chef, homemaker, or tutor. They will confirm the availability and accept your request.


Begin Your Culinary Journey:

- On the scheduled date and time, log in to the app and access your appointment.

- With your ingredients ready, start making the dish of your choice with the guidance of your selected professional.

- Learn the art of cooking as you follow their expert instructions, step by step.

Explore the edible world by downloading our app.

Why Mesmerizing food?

Read for better understanding


Mesmerizing Food is all about making your food journey incredible. You see, there are millions of mouthwatering recipes out there, but most people only get to try a few hundred in their whole life. We want to change that for you.

Think of Mesmerizing Food as a magical place where you can meet amazing food experts. They come from different cultures and backgrounds, and they have special recipes that have been passed down through generations. These experts are not just teachers; they’re like food storytellers. They’re excited to share their cooking secrets with you.

Whether you’re starting with the basics of cooking or you’re curious about advanced dishes, Mesmerizing Food is here to help. It’s like opening a door to a world of flavors, a journey that will make your taste buds dance. Get ready for a food adventure like no other.

To book a tutor, you need to create an account and recharge your wallet with a minimum of 100 coins. Once your wallet is funded, you can browse through tutor profiles and send appointment requests to the one you want to learn from.

You can search for tutors in two ways:

  • Category Listings: You can explore tutors directly listed in specific culinary categories, such as baking, Asian cuisine, or Italian dishes.
  • Tags: You can use tags to search for tutors based on specific skills, ingredients, or techniques. This allows you to find tutors who specialize in the exact area you’re interested in.

Payment for tutoring services is done on a per-minute basis. Your Mesmerizing Food wallet will be debited according to the duration of your lesson with the tutor. You can check your wallet balance and transaction history in your account.

To identify a good tutor, consider the following factors when reviewing their profile:

  • Years of Experience: Look for tutors with extensive culinary experience. More years of experience often indicate a higher level of expertise.
  • Expertise: Check if the tutor specializes in the type of cuisine or skill you want to learn.
  • Bio: Read the tutor’s bio to get a sense of their teaching style and approach to cooking.
  • Reviews: Feedback from previous learners is a valuable resource. Positive reviews are a good indicator of a tutor’s teaching quality.
  • Food Posts: Some tutors may share their own culinary creations on Mesmerizing Food. This can give you a taste of their skills and style.

Yes, Mesmerizing Food is accessible to users worldwide. You can find tutors and learners from different countries and cultures, making it a diverse and exciting platform to learn and share culinary knowledge.

Online recipes are pre-recorded; what if you don’t have that ingredient? What if you didn’t grasp that step? Imagine the uncertainty of how the dish will turn out. Moreover, you can only search online for dishes that you are already aware of; what about the culinary treasures waiting to be discovered?

At Recipe on Call, we’re here to bridge that gap. We’ll recommend the best dish you can create with the ingredients you have on hand, or simply ask us to suggest a dish. It’s like having a culinary coach right by your side, ensuring your success in the kitchen.

If you’re a beginner cook, don’t worry if the dish doesn’t turn out perfectly on your first attempt. Learning to cook is a journey, and it may take 2-3 tries to master a recipe. Learning and improving is part of the process.

If you’re an intermediate cook, you might be able to nail it in one session. Practice makes perfect!

And if you’re a professional chef, you’ve come to the right place. The culinary world is vast, and there’s always something new to learn. With Recipe on Call, you can expand your repertoire by learning new skills from cooks of different ethnicities.

We offer a diverse range of tutors, including professional chefs and homemakers from various ethnic backgrounds.

Professional chefs can guide you through a wide array of recipes and techniques, sharing their culinary expertise.

Homemakers, on the other hand, offer a unique perspective by sharing their traditional dishes, often with a personal touch that’s been passed down through generations. Learning from both professionals and homemakers allows you to experience the best of both worlds.